Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Blogs going well

What are people's impressions of Sandy Storyline? Did any of it come as a surprise? What do you think of the website? (one point extra from quiz grade for giving your response here)

I was very impressed by the number of students who completed At-home blog #2.

Remember at-home blog number three!!!! (click here)


  1. most of the comment and stories i have heard in the website sandy storyline were usual, except the guy who refused to leave his apartment because he did not have any other place to go to. but the surprise was not in his decision; what actually surprised me is hearing the expression "global warming" during his interview .i think it is very impressive to hear from a regular person while is ignored by politicians.

  2. Excellent point, Salem. Great thinking here, and good feedback. I'm curious how you define "usual." Can you briefly expand on that point? I'm curious.

    1. i said usual because most of the stories were turning around one point which is the absence of the government and since this is not something new for us i said usual mean after any disaster the administration always run away till the situation and people will calm down. so all what i heard in the videos wasn`t something new that is why i said usual.
