Monday, May 5, 2014

In-Class Exercise: QR

Directions: First read the following directions. Then examine the chart on the next page, making notes where useful. Finally, write a response that summarizes, interprets, and connects the information in the chart.

-          Summary/summarizing: explains the information for a reader who has not seen it yet.

·         hint: be sure to address what the information says as well as how it measures and presents its data
·         does the graph communicate any pattern, trend, or story?

-           Interpret/interpreting: explains the information for a reader wondering what it means.

·         hint: interpretation requires that you explain the significance of something: why is this data important? Who should care about it?
·         Can you imagine reasons that would explain any pattern, trend, or story in the graph?

-          Connect/connecting: explains the information’s links to an idea, issue, or claim from class or course text.

·         hint: return to your class notes or class text, and explain the significance of the data for the idea, issue, or claim you choose. 

(if you have time…)
-          Critique/critiquing: explains the chart for what’s missing, unclear, or inaccurate.

·         hint: is there a problem in the way this chart presents its information, methods, or sources?

(Source: Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed February 11, 2013,

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