Essay Assignment #2

Due Date: See syllabus -- may 2 - friday
Peer Review: See syllabus --- april 28th - monday 

Goal: For this assignment students will create an argument about the successes and failures of New York's response to Hurricane Sandy. Their thesis statement will focus on what they believe to be the city's most successful response to the hurricane, as well as their most unsuccessful response.

Description: Given the immense damage caused by Sandy to the city, it's unquestionable that the city's response was at least partly successful: just look at the subway system. On the other hand, the voices from sources like Sandy Storyline quite clearly point to continuing problems for many city residents. This assignment will address both sides to the city's response.

This assignment requires some research and the incorporation of ideas from class texts, particularly readings from Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine from our course packet. Students will use voices from Sandy Storyline as well, as well as the sources below under "Relevant texts: information." The other "background" links may also be useful or some studnets.

Under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, we can already see that over $217 million dollars in contracts have been awarded. When we use the Federal contract site to zoom into certain areas, we can see agencies making these contracts include Homeland Security and the Department of Defense. A fair number of these contracts have gone to security firms, some with out-of-state ties. In fact, a fair number of the contracts are actually for security firms, even in the Far Rockaway disaster zone. 

Strangely, many of the contracts, if not the majority, were made in places far outside the Hurricane Sandy affected areas, such as places in Texas. 

Relevant Texts: Background

Relevant Texts: Information

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