Friday, April 25, 2014

Class Agenda 4.25

1. Review for the Midterm - how do we review what we read? What are the questions? What will the format be?

2. First, discuss in pairs the article we read for Wednesday: "From Occupy to Climate Justice." Identify the main themes and passages. Take notes for yourself as you discuss.

3. Let's briefly talk about the essay as a class, and where it might fit into our second essay. How does it contrast or complement Nordhaus?

4. Now let's find out how to cite this piece, and other pieces from the internet.

In a bibliography: [ click here

Now, for quoting in a paragraph: [ click here ]

5. Now let's practice the first half of a quote sandwich. Remember: you must introduce the text to reader unfamiliar with it. When quoting, you must correctly cite it as a web article. How will it look? Let's briefly remind ourselves with They Say I Say.

Now add the bibliographical entry for the works cited page. What will it look like?

6. What if we wanted to explore this theme further? Let's search. Let's find a source. Now let's say we want to paraphrase that source in a paragraph where we're already citing another article (the Occupy one we just practiced). How do we cite this source to put it in conversation with the Occupy piece? How do we make those two pieces 'talk' together?

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