Monday, May 12, 2014

Class Agenda 5.12

1. Revised Zeitoun keywords paragraph - take out your notes from Friday. Type them into an in-class blog. As you read over your work, revise it: be sure that you have posted a solid quote sandwich that elaborates on your claim about the text, with the keyword as your anchor idea.

2. Log into your Instagram account either from your phone or on the computer. Leave a comment on two photographs by fellow students. In your comments, discuss what the image made you think about regarding the future of climate change and New York City. What do you think the image will tell a future historian or time traveller?

3. Log into Twitter. Using the hashtag #zeitoun, compose two tweets about the text that contain claims about what the text teaches us about climate emergencies. Please place a page number in parentheses (56) where we might find a passage tied to your claim, or supporting your claim. Do this even though I'm NOT asking you to create any direct quotes or citations.

SAMPLE: #zeitoun teaches us that strangers are important during chaos (168)

4. Now look at what your classmates posted. Retweet at least two claims that you agree with. Then find a claim you could disagree with, even 'for the sake of argument.' Explain why in your nicest voice and leave a page number in parentheses that contains a passage you believe supports your claim.

5. Class discussion on passage(s).

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