Friday, May 9, 2014

Class Agenda 5.9

1. Essay Two Reflection: Counts for 30 quiz points

Reflection on your writing process: letter to the professor. Answer the following questions in a brief letter to the professor. 1. Overall, are you confident that your essay meets the expectations of the assignment? Why or why not? 2. What was the most difficult part of the assignment for you? How did you overcome it? 3. Based on your experience with the this essay, what would you do differently next time? 4. What writing skills or techniques do you think we need to work on most as a class going forward? 5. How has this assignment changed your thinking on Hurricane Sandy?

2. Midterm review

3.  Essay Assignment Three

4. Discussing the reading: groupwork. Together with a team of classmates, explore two different aspects of the reading: 1) create and define a "keyword" you'd use to explain a passage, and give another example from the text about where and how it could explain something;

5. In-class writing: Return to your notebooks. Write a reflection that answers the following question: How does a passage from the reading connect with what you've learned or read in class so far? Link the reading to other passages, texts, or ideas from class discussion.

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