Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blog Assignment #1

See syllabus for due date.

In this week's New York Times there was an article on what New York City is doing to prepare for climate change. For your first blog, do the following:

CLICK HERE for the article and the first three comments under "Reader's Picks." Take basic notes.

Begin your blog by explaining to your potential readers who you are and what you're doing, and why. This should be about one sentence. We call this the blog intro.

Then, spend 100-150 words summarizing the main points of the article. Remember to be as specific as possible.

Finally, in the last 100-150 words of your blog focus on just one of the first three "Reader's Picks" comments to the article. Summarize the best idea from the comment, and react to it with your own perspective.

Remember: to credit your sources the best you can. When you summarize from the article, pay attention to where the article gets its information. Be as specific as possible about where the information comes from. The same is true for the "Reader's Pick" comment. Give the writer of the comment some credit as you summarize his or her ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the main points in this article would be the need for more environmental awareness and the fact we has people should take warnings more seriously just because we live in NewYork and its not a tropical area when we get hit by a tropical storm its a 50/50 gamble that it hurts us or does nothing to us.This is a gamble to take and in the last couple of years we've been on the losing side of this gamble.The tropical are getting worst and worst has the years go on and has the increase in global warming occurs.In my perspective i believe we should be more aware of whats going on and stop taking situations lightly
