Monday, March 10, 2014

Class Updates/news

Hi. The best part of class for me today was reading your new blog posts over your shoulder. But I need to be able to read all of them!

1. If you have yet to send me your blog address, do so by Friday in order to not lose points. If you are having special problems creating a blog, see me so that you don't lose points (I've already communicated with a couple of you).

2. The reading for Friday has been linked, and it's at the right-hand side of this screen.

3. To get a better grasp of all the features of blogger, see THIS SITE (CLICK HERE).

4. As you read the Norhaus book Climate Casino remember what our first assignment is about. You should be trying to identify different kinds of passages (and possibly visual information) to include in your essay/letter.

5. I realized today that my in-class writing assignment lacked some key details that I had to compensate for with my in-class blog. In the future, if you feel my instructions lack precision or you need me to define what I mean, please feel free to ask me. I'm sure you're not the only one with the same question.

6. If you missed class today with an excused absence, please contact me for a deadline to make-up today's in-class work (email me). If you missed class today with an unexcused absence, consider two things: a) you're only technically allowed to miss four hours of this course, which means you've used 50% of your total; b) you can still receive partial points for missed work (see syllabus for details on late work).